Category: In the News
July 07, 2019

Summit Ridge Energy Secures Project Finance Fund for 100MW of Community Solar
Low-carbon investment firm Hannon Armstrong has partnered with developer Summit Ridge Energy to finance community solar projects, the companies announced this week.
June 06, 2019

Hannon Armstrong jumps into community solar
Hannon Armstrong and Summit Ridge Energy have announced that they will jointly invest in community solar projects across several states, Maryland chiefly among them.
April 12, 2019

Illinois Awards 215 Megawatts of Community Solar, but Developers Left Hungry
If state’s community solar market were a board game, it would be Hungry Hungry Hippos—with developers gobbling up SRECs as fast as they’re put in play.
March 07, 2019

Community Solar Booms in Illinois, Sparking Fears of a Bust
Solar developers see a massive growth opportunity in Illinois, but also looming risk.