Advancing energy independence
and local impact

Summit Ridge Energy, Black Bear Energy planning 2.7-MW community solar project in Maryland

Press Releases

September 09, 2020

Summit Ridge and 1st Source Bank expand partnership in debt and tax equity deal

Summit Ridge Energy (“SRE”) and 1st Source Bank today announced the expansion of their partnership through the bank’s commitment to provide debt and tax equity to fund an additional 8 of SRE’s Illinois community solar projects totaling 23 MWdc.

April 24, 2020

Summit Ridge to Contribute $150,000 in Power Bill Assistance to 6,000 Illinois Households During COVID-19 Pandemic

Summit Ridge Energy (SRE) announced today (4/23) a commitment to support Illinois residents facing economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by offering increased savings to anyone who subscribes to an SRE community solar project through Arcadia.

In the News

April 06, 2023

The Washington Post: Inside Biden’s balancing act on ditching coal

Read more: The Washington Post

April 06, 2023

The Associated Press: Harris promotes huge community solar deal in Georgia visit

WASHINGTON (AP) — Continuing its efforts to promote renewable energy, the Biden administration on Thursday announced what it says will be the largest community solar effort in U.S. history, enough to power 140,000 homes and businesses in three states.